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Shelby County Commissioners' Court Meeting



Notice is hereby given that a Special meeting of the Governing body of the Shelby County Commissioners’ Court will be held on the 24th day of October, 2018 at 9:30 a.m. in the Courtroom of the Shelby County Courthouse at 200 San Augustine Street, Center, Shelby County, Texas to deliberate and consider action on the following items:


1. Approve and pay weekly expenses.


2.Public comments on Agenda item.


3. Take action to recognize the FY 2018 Fund Cash Balances for Precincts 1,2,3,4 and adjust the FY 2019 Budgeted Fund Carryover and adjust the FY 2019 Expense Budget for each precinct as needed.


4. Take action to approve the FY2018 Budget Line Item Transfers.


5. Discuss and possibly approve a temporary clerk for Justice of the Peace Pct. 3.


6. Discuss and possibly take action on a tract of land that was deeded to the County by the Albert Burns Estate on November 2, 2011.  


7. Adjourn. 




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