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Rep. Ashby vows to support funding of retired teacher healthcare program

State Representative Trent Ashby (R-Lufkin) announced his support for a fully-funded healthcare program for retired teachers last week.


Rep. Ashby is Chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee dealing with education funding and related agencies, said he is ready to back legislation that funds the Teacher Retirement System (TRS) healthcare program known as TRS-Care.


After two weeks of testimony, the consensus is without additional funding the program will be come insolvent and the funding for healthcare for our retired teachers would be exhausted.


Rep. Ashby said he will continue to work with his collegues in the Texas House to secure the funding necessary for our retired teachers' healthcare costs.


The Teacher Retirement System of Texas is the largest public retirement system in Texas with TRS-Care providing healthcare to more than 240,000 retired teachers and their dependents. 

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