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Shelbyville ISD Recognizes School Board

Shelbyville ISD Recognizes School Board


The month of January is proclaimed School Board Recognition Month to emphasize the importance of the men and women across the state of Texas who serve on school boards.  Shelbyville I.S.D. students benefit every day from the dedication and commitment to public education of our local trustees.  Our current board members are Etola Jones, President, 12 years; Mark Bohannon, Vice-President, 8 years; Joey Lawson, Secretary, 9 years; Joe Tom Schillings, 13 years; Tim Bradshaw, 8 years;

Chris Koltonski, 6 years; and Lori Alvis, 3 years.  These men and women sit through meetings, read reports, listen to parents’ concerns, and do hard work to benefit the students and the community.  They serve without pay, giving of their time and expertise to ensure that young Texans have the skills needed for lifelong success.  These local citizens are elected by the community to make critical decisions that directly affect the future of our youth.  At this time, we say thank you to these dedicated volunteers.  We appreciate their generous sharing of time and energy.  They truly do “rise above” for our schools.  “Thank You” to the Shelbyville I.S.D. School Board.

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