News Headlines

DETCOG funding could be available to assist Center PD with computer server upgrade

There could be some DETCOG funding available to assist the Center Police Department with law enforcement technology, primarily for replacement/upgrade of the computer server.


According to Center City Manager Chad Nehring, Assistant City Manager Jim Gibson and PD personnel have been working hard to submit an application for a grant. He said the city has been tentatively notified of a partial award for the city's application. Nehring said City Councilwoman Joyce Johnson is on the committee that reviewed and scored the application.


In project updates, Nehring said the park grant application has been finalized and submitted; water line work at Center Municipal Airport is almost complete and the water line extension on Roughrider Drive was completed recently along with major maintenance need on Field/King Street.


Nehring notified the council that the city's downtown sidewalk extension grant project funded by the Dept. of Agriculture would need to be adapted to accommodate a major ADA/Accessibility improvement project designed by TxDOT without any involvement from the city.


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